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dc.contributor.authorSabarís, Xaquín Núñez
dc.identifier.citation1616: Anuario de Literatura Comparada, 4 (2014)
dc.description.abstractThe object of study of this paper is focused on the performing relations between Galicia and Portugal, building on the recent initiatives of Portuguese-Galician theatre exchange, which consolidates and confirms the relations of interest, with unequal intensity, that have been present since the 1990s. As a result, this work falls under the studies on literary and cultural relations between Galicia and Portugal, from the dialogue and artistic exchange which are based in the performing arts. The methodological approach will take into account the characteristics of the performing arts, as well as the configuration, orientations and interests of the Galician and Portuguese theatre systems that determine the interrelation between both spaces, in the framework of a social, political and ideological context, which accompanies and conditions the successive initiatives of cultural proximity or distancing.
dc.description.abstractO obxecto de estudo deste artigo céntrase nas relacións escénicas entre Galicia e Portugal, tendo como punto de partida as recentes iniciativas de intercambio teatral luso-galaico, que consolida e confirma unhas relacións de interese que, con desigual intensidade, se veñen afirmando dende os anos 90 do pasado século. En consecuencia, este traballo encádrase nos estudos acerca das relacións literarias e culturais entre Galicia e Portugal, a partir do diálogo e intercambio artístico que ten como base as artes escénicas. A abordaxe metodolóxica terá en conta as características das industrias escénicas, así como a configuración, orientacións e intereses dos sistemas teatrais galego e portugués e que determinan a interrelación entre ambos espazos, no marco dun contexto social, político e ideolóxico que vai acompañado e condicionando as sucesivas iniciativas de proximidade ou distanciamento cultural.
dc.publisherEdiciones Universidad de Salamanca (España)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
dc.subjectArtes escénicas
dc.subjectPerforming Arts
dc.titleConverxencias actuais entre o teatro galego e o portugués: construíndo un teatro do aquí
dc.title.alternativeCurrent Convergences between the Galician and the Portuguese Theatre: Creating a «Teatro do aquí»

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