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dc.contributor.authorCifuentes Navas, Viviana Andrea
dc.contributor.authorMartín Pascual, María Consolación
dc.contributor.authorFernández Rodríguez, Ana
dc.contributor.authorAlonso Mesonero, Marta
dc.contributor.authorChaviano Grajera, Juan
dc.contributor.authorMorais Pérez, Darío
dc.identifier.citationRevista ORL, 9 (2018)
dc.description.abstractTITLE: Malt palate and orbit lymphoma/n 
dc.description.abstract/nAuthors: CIFUENTES NAVAS-Viviana Andrea; MARTÍN PASCUAL- María Consolación; FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ- Ana; ALONSO MESONERO- Marta; CHAVIANO GRAHJERA-Juan; MORAIS PÉREZ-Darío.
dc.description.abstract/nMALT-type lymphomas are lymphoid proliferations originated in the glandular epithelium of organs like the stomach, the salivary and lacrimal glands, and even, we can find lymphoid neoformations of non-epithelial localization, like in the orbital soft tissue. The lymphomas of the mucosal-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT) represent only 0.2-0.3% and constitute a well-defined group of non-Hodgkin lymphomas of B origin. In the field of oral pathology, the salivary glands, tonsils and palate are mainly affected, it is more rare to find it in jugal mucosa.
dc.description.abstract/nWe present a rare case of MALT lymphoma with involvement of the palate and orbit.
dc.description.abstract/nMATERIAL AND METHODS
dc.description.abstract/n84-year-old patient with multiple pathologies. Derived from his primary care physician due to pharyngeal complaints of 4 to 5 days of evolution, associated with a painful palate lesion.
dc.description.abstract/nHe presented in right hemipaladar a tumoration of elastic consistency in submucosa, ulcerated in the center, with normal neck. Also left orbital tumor that limits the visual field.
dc.description.abstract/nRESULTSCT and MRI of the neck report mass of 4x4 x2.5 cm in right hemipaladar, noninfiltrating concordant with possible lymphoma. The orbital MRI describes an intra and extra nasal left nasal lesion of 2.3x1.2x2 cm with characteristics consistent with lymphoma. CT of the neck: It demostrates a great mass of right hemipaladar, with lobulated contours and homogeneous enhancement of 40x32x25 mm, in intimate contact with medial pterygoid muscle, although there were no signs of infiltration, the rest of the edges being well delimited. Images characteristics look like a lymphoma, without being able to rule out other etiologies. MRI of the neck: It demostrates a diffuse thickening of right side of the soft palate that acquires a tumour morphology of 4x4x2.2 cm, well defined that does not infiltrate adjacent tissues. It enhances intensely and homogeneously with contrast.  There are bilateral laterocervical ganglionic images ,with predominance in right side, nonspecific.Orbit MRI: It demostrates mixed orbital mass intra and extraconal on the left side, oval morfology, Its limits are partially well-defined, with transverse diameters 2.3x1.1 cm and craniocaudal 2cm approximately, it show a  moderate and diffuse enhance after endovenous contrast. The result of the biopsy of both lesions indicated infiltration of "B" lymphoma type MALT lymphoma. The patient was referred to the service of hematology, found no adenopathies or visceromegalies.  It was cataloged like a lymphoma NO HODGKIN B malt type STAGE IV-A (two extranodal sites, orbit and palate), He is currently with chemotherapy treatment, and he is followed up by this department.  CONCLUSIONS MALT lymphoma affects adults older than 60 years mainly, showing a slight female predominance, and more probably for gastric locations. The clinical characteristics and the presentation of the symptoms are mainly related to the primary location of the tomour. Approximately 6% of the non-hodgkin lymphomas that affect Waldeyer's ring are MALT lymphomas, affecting most of them to the palatine amygdala. However, according to the reviewed bibliography, the affectation of the palate is rare, being more frequent the orbital location MALT lymphomas follow a relatively indolent clinical course and generally remain localized in their primary extranodal site. Tumors are sensitive to radiation therapy and local treatment. However, dissemination at multiple sites is not infrequent, it may involve extra-ganglionic sites, such as bone marrow, spleen and liver.  Early diagnosis is the basis of a better prognosis, this allows a more adequate treatment. The role of the in-depth clinical study is emphasized and confirmed by a biopsy. It is important the multidisciplinary treatment of the patient from the departments of oncology, hematology with radio and chemotherapy, etc. The follow-up of the patient has to be long.We have reviewed the literature,and we found that MALT lymphomas with palate involvement in association with the orbit are extremely rare; It is because we think is important to publish this case.
dc.description.abstract /nLos linfomas de tipo MALT son proliferaciones linfoides originadas en el epitelio glandular de órganos como el estómago o las glándulas salivales y lagrimales, e incluso neoformaciones linfoides de localización no epitelial, como las que asientan sobre el tejido blando orbitario. Los linfomas del tejido linfoide asociado a mucosas (MALT) representan solamente el 0,2-0,3% y constituyen un grupo bien definido de linfomas no hodgkinianos de origen B. En el campo de la patología oral se afectan principalmente las glándulas salivales, amígdalas y paladar, siendo la localización en mucosa yugal excepcional.
dc.description.abstract/nPresentamos un raro caso de linfoma MALT con afectación de paladar y órbita.
dc.publisherEdiciones Universidad de Salamanca (España)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
dc.subjectAudiología y otología
dc.subjectAudiology and otology
dc.titleLinfoma malt de paladar y órbita.

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