RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Revisión sobre el vértigo cervical T2 Review of cervical vertigo A1 Valda Rodrigo, José A1 Benito Orejas, José Ignacio A1 Alonso Vielba, José K1 Otorrinolaringología K1 nariz K1 garganta K1 oídos K1 Audiología y otología K1 sordera K1 Otorhinolaryngology K1 ENT K1 Audiology and otology K1 deafness AB Introduction and objective: Currently remains the debate on cervical origin dizziness. In this narrative review, we outline the pathophysiological mechanism that attempt to explain this syndrome to understand its clinical manifestations and facilitate the diagnostic and therapeutic orientation of patients. Method: narrative review. Results: We will consider that a patient with neck pain and dizziness/imbalance has vertigo cervical, if other causes have been eliminated (neurological, vestibular, psychosomatic) and, above all, if responding to the cervical physiotherapy with reducing pain and dizziness. Depending on your medical history, will focus the explorations towards the study of the blood flow of the vertebral arteries, oculomotor findings, postural control and observation of the cervical kinesthesia sense. Discussion: The controversy over cervicogenic dizziness is due in large part to the lack of a specific laboratory test confirming the diagnosis to us. Conclusions: Before a patient with suspected symptoms of cervical vertigo and once discarded other causes, we will initiate a treatment, even if we ignore the underlying mechanisms. PB Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España) SN 2444-7986 YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10366/137850 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10366/137850 LA spa NO Revista ORL, 9 (2018) DS Gestión del Repositorio Documental de la Universidad de Salamanca RD 25-sep-2024