RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Die Stellung der Sprache der Pahlavi-Übersetzung des Avesta Innerhalb des Mittelpersischen A1 Cantera Glera, Alberto K1 Traducción al pahalvi del Avesta K1 Lenguas iranias medias K1 Inscriptional middle Iranian K1 Phalavi translation of the Avesta K1 Linguistics K1 Iranian morphology K1 Comparative grammar of Iranian languages K1 Pahlavi (Language) K1 Middle Iranian manichaean K1 Pahlavi (Lengua) K1 Lenguas iranias K1 Lingüística K1 Morfología K1 Gramática comparada AB The Pahlavi translation of the Avesta was probably written at some uncertain time before its definitive redaction in the 6th century. If this were true, the Pahlavi translation would be the oldest work of the Pahlavi literature. In this paper the author tries to check if this fact is reflected in the language of the translation. He arrives to the conclusion that the language of this translation represents a stage which is to be compared with that of the Manichaean and Inscriptional Middle Persian and of the Pahlavi Psalter. This stage is also older than the Book-Pahlavi, and of the author names it "Old Pahalavi". Its main characteristics are: 1. the conservation of almost all persons of the subjunctive, whereas in Book-Pahlavi only the 3rd sg. and pl. remain; 2. the preservation of the distinction between the direct case and the oblique case of the 1st p.sg-pronoun, the nouns of relationship and in the plural of all nouns. PB Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes (París, Francia) YR 1999 FD 1999 LK http://hdl.handle.net/10366/55674 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10366/55674 UL http://hdl.handle.net/10366/55674 LA ger NO Cantera Glera, A.(1999). Die Stellung der Sprache der Pahlavi-Übersetzung des Avesta Innerhalb des Mittelpersischen."Studia Iranica" ,28, 173-204. NO Este artículo trata sobre la traducción al pahalvi del Avesta. DS Gestión del Repositorio Documental de la Universidad de Salamanca RD 20-sep-2024