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dc.contributor.authorWang, Xuedong
dc.contributor.authorLi, Tiancheng
dc.contributor.authorSun, Shudong
dc.contributor.authorCorchado Rodríguez, Juan Manuel
dc.identifier.citationWang, X., Li, T., Sun, S., Corchado, J.M. (2017). A Survey of Recent Advances in Particle Filters and Remaining Challenges for Multitarget Tracking. Sensors, 17es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN]We review some advances of the particle filtering (PF) algorithm that have been achieved in the last decade in the context of target tracking, with regard to either a single target or multiple targets in the presence of false or missing data. The first part of our review is on remarkable achievements that have been made for the single-target PF from several aspects including importance proposal, computing efficiency, particle degeneracy/impoverishment and constrained/multi-modal systems. The second part of our review is on analyzing the intractable challenges raised within the general multitarget (multi-sensor) tracking due to random target birth and termination, false alarm, misdetection, measurement-to-track (M2T) uncertainty and track uncertainty. The mainstream multitarget PF approaches consist of two main classes, one based on M2T association approaches and the other not such as the finite set statistics-based PF. In either case, significant challenges remain due to unknown tracking scenarios and integrated tracking management.es_ES
dc.publisherMDPI Publishing (Basilea, Suiza)es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
dc.subjectComputer sciencees_ES
dc.subjectParticle filteres_ES
dc.subjectTarget trackinges_ES
dc.subjectNonlinear filteres_ES
dc.subjectMonte Carlo samplinges_ES
dc.subjectBayesian inferencees_ES
dc.titleA Survey of Recent Advances in Particle Filters and Remaining Challenges for Multitarget Trackinges_ES

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