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dc.contributor.advisorMalmierca, Manuel S. es_ES
dc.contributor.authorGutiérrez Parras, Gloria
dc.description.abstract[EN] In this thesis I present a compendium of three articles. I demonstrate that single neurons in the central auditory system exhibit prediction error responses that mimic those recorded in MMN studies. This funding support the hypothesis that single neurons along the auIn this thesis I present a compendium of three articles. I demonstrate that single neurons in the central auditory system exhibit prediction error responses that mimic those recorded in MMN studies. This funding support the hypothesis that single neurons along the auditory brain take their part in the computations of MMN and predictive activity in the brain. Moreover, these prediction error responses are organized in a hierarchical manner, consisten across species and awareness states. Similarly, my results agree with eeflkvidences showing that mismatch responses are dependent on NMDA receptor activity. All these results agree with the general predictive coding framework. Furthermore, I demonstrate that stimulus-specific adaptation at the single neuron level in the inferior colliculus are modulated by cannabinoids, adding evidences of cannabinoids neuromodulatory activity. ditory brain take their part in the computations of MMN and predictive activity in the brain. Moreover, these prediction error responses are organized in a hierarchical manner, consisten across species and awareness states. Similarly, my results agree with evidences showing that mismatch responses are dependent on NMDA receptor activity. All these results agree with the general predictive coding framework. Furthermore, I demonstrate that stimulus-specific adaptation at the single neuron level in the inferior colliculus are modulated by cannabinoids, adding evidences of cannabinoids neuromodulatory activity.es_ES
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectTesis y disertaciones académicases_ES
dc.subjectUniversidad de Salamanca (España)es_ES
dc.subjectTesis Doctorales_ES
dc.subjectAcademic dissertationses_ES
dc.subjectFármacos psicotrópicoses_ES
dc.subjectMismatch negativityes_ES
dc.subjectPredictive codinges_ES
dc.subjectPrediction errores_ES
dc.subjectRepetition suppressiones_ES
dc.titleNeuronal Mismatch along the Auditory Hierarchy in an Animal Model of Schizophreniaes_ES
dc.title.alternativeDiscrepancia neuronal a lo largo de la jerarquía auditiva en un modelo animal de esquizofreniaes_ES
dc.subject.unesco2401.13 Fisiología Animales_ES

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