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dc.contributor.authorPereira Gómez, María Dolores 
dc.contributor.authorLópez, Ana J.
dc.contributor.authorRamil, Alberto
dc.contributor.authorBloise, Andrea
dc.identifier.citationPereira, D.; López, A.J.; Ramil, A.; Bloise, A. The Importance of Prevention When Working with Hazardous Materials in the Case of Serpentinite and Asbestos When Cleaning Monuments for Restoration. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 43.
dc.description.abstract[EN]Health risks are often overlooked when the consequences are not evident in the short term. In restoration work, some activities can generate particles that may affect the health of workers through inhalation (e.g., cleaning of buildings or heritage artifacts composed of stone). Workers at quarries are also exposed to such materials and, therefore, the results of our work can help to increase the risk perception in workers from the stone sector, but also in construction workers in an environment associated with dust. To demonstrate the importance of protection to prevent health hazards, we laser-ablated some samples of serpentinite that contain serpentine minerals as major phase minerals. The powder obtained in filters coupled to the ablation laser was analysed, using tools such as an optical microscope, X-ray powder diffraction, a transmission electron microscope and thermal analysis. The results were very didactic, and the intention is to use them, by way of graphics and diagrams, to build information security sheets that will alert workers to the need of using masks when working, or to use tools with coupled filters such as the one used for our study. The main goal is to demonstrate that the interdisciplinary combination of scientific approaches can be used for the sake of human health.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipGIR CHARROCKes_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectocupational safetyes_ES
dc.titleThe Importance of Prevention When Working with Hazardous Materials in the Case of Serpentinite and Asbestos When Cleaning Monuments for Restoration.es_ES
dc.subject.unesco2506 Geologíaes_ES
dc.subject.unesco2506.11 Mineralogíaes_ES
dc.relation.projectIDThis research was funded by the University of Salamanca, grant number 2016/00218/001; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, grant number PID2021-123948OB-I00; and Ministero italiano dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Italy 20173 × 8WA4.es_ES

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