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dc.contributor.authorYurrebaso Macho, Amaia 
dc.contributor.authorWard, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorPicado Valverde, Eva María 
dc.contributor.authorPatrzała, Amelia
dc.contributor.authorSilén-Lipponen, Marja
dc.contributor.authorParreira, Pedro
dc.identifier.citationYurrebaso, A.; Juanes, JA.; Pérez-Iglesias, J.L.; Guzmán-Ordaz, R.; Picado-Valverde, E.; Ward, AL; Canelo, J.A. (2020) Development of a questionnaire to explore the nursing students' perceptions of infection prevention and control learning in academia. STTI 5th Biennial European Conference "Nursing’s innovation, influence and impact on global health: looking back and moving forward. STTI 5th Biennial European Conference "Nursing’s innovation, influence and impact on global health: looking back and moving forward. Coimbra (Portugal).
dc.description.abstractAcross the European Higher Nursing Education Institutions (HNEIs) there is an emergent need to integrate Healthcare-associated Infections (HCAIs) prevention and control-related contents into the curricula, given that nursing students are expected to provide increasingly effective, safe and quality care. However, to the best of our knowledge, little is known about student nurses’ perceptions regarding the HCAIs-related content lectured in HNEIs, as well as current challenges in their learning process within this thematic scope.es_ES
dc.subjectInfection prevention and control learninges_ES
dc.subjectNursing curriculaes_ES
dc.subjectNursing students’ perceptionses_ES
dc.titleDevelopment of a questionnaire to explore the nursing students' perceptions of infection prevention and control learning in academiaes_ES
dc.subject.unesco6114 Psicología sociales_ES

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